Work by Marcy Gray

Assissi Market
La Romita


Vallo di Nera

Villa Lante

Photos and work by Steve Williams

San Liberatore
Steve's representation of Jill at work
Painting in Scheggino

Steve's painting - Vallo di Nera
Steve's view in Vallo di Nera

Chris looking through his viewfinder 
Chris portraying his new friends

Nora's demo

Andrea in Orvieto
Tina in Orvieto
The group painting in Orvieto
Our fearless leader, artist Nora Venturelli, scaling steps in Perugia..

Overlooking an Italian panorama...

And generally just trying to keep track of 14 inspired painters who have dispersed throughout a small Umbrian hill town.

More Italian Paintings from Nora Venturelli's class (work by Jill Stefani Wagner)

Here are some of my horizontal paintings from our workshop. I worked mostly on 8 x 10 and 9 x 12 inch linen panels. They were easy to pack in my luggage and carry around on our trips to the hill towns. Nora was more ambitious and worked on much larger canvases!

Jill Stefani Wagner's Paintings from Nora Venturelli's Workshop

I've been a watercolor and pastel artist for years but I'm new to painting in oil. Nora taught me so much about how to start a painting, use cohesive colors and work with a palette knife. Here are a few of the many paintings I created during our fantastic trip to Italy.

Our daily trips to Umbrian localities were inspiring, educational and simply stupendous!

(Venturelli)  Painting in San Gemini 



Christian Snyder in Bavagna

Demo in Carsulae

On the road to San Gemini
Views from San Gemini

San Gemini
Spritz time!!! in Stroncone with Mary Ann, Nora, Jeanie, Doris & Mona


Arriving at San Gemini



Doris Foss, Maria Prose and Marcy Gray painting inVallo di Nera

Stephen William painting in Todi
Vallo di Nera
Villa Lante

Villa Lante - Roman Gardens

Frescoes in Villa Lante
Villa Lante